ANY JOB BIG OR SMALL DO IT RIGHT OR NOT AT ALL collab with @DAPOGLASS xA Star Ship in Every Garage

ANY JOB BIG OR SMALL DO IT RIGHT OR NOT AT ALL collab with @DAPOGLASS xA Star Ship in Every Garage
PRE order. Please make sure you contact Jessica Boggs to add you to the List
MESSAGE from Dapo
"Any job big or small do it right or not at all" the words my grandfather told to my father and my father told to me and my sisters. This project was started at @herbnlegendaz and is now completed. This was a very meaningful image to me. Big thanks to everyone who has and is a part of @astarshipineverygarage project 33 for making powerful things happen. AZ Starship Team: @marcelglass @iamherbnlegend @billythekidglass @erkdejerk @subscienceglass @homeblownglassaz @hicdogg @theglassfish13 @ladylegendaz @princess__high @jessicaboggsglass
Oregon team members @sugarshackglass @amirshawn @uknowshaun @ras_arts @whitefireglass @ms.meow @mattywhiteglass I thank you all.